Investment portfolios

Intrenationally recognized investment process - for growing Your wealth


Experienced and highly qualified team of CBL Asset Management develops and professionally manages individual investment portfolios, taking into account:

  • Client’s risk tolerance and investment goals
  • expected portfolio return
  • planned investment horizon

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Investment process

  • CBL Asset Management specialists find out Client’s needs and goals, asses risk tolerance and discuss suitable investments.
  • Investment specialists develop a portfolio structure that best suits client’s specific situation.
  • Assets are invested according to the agreed portfolio structure.
  • Portfolio and the securities it contains are constantly monitored and alternative investment opportunities are evaluated.
  • Tactical asset allocation changes are implemented in the portfolio, according to the CBL Asset Management investment strategy and situation in the financial markets.
  • Client receives regular portfolio reports and can monitor it through the internet bank.


Charges, fees, etc. applied by the Company relating to a customer investment portfolio and other services: Rate/Amount
Portfolio management fee 1.00 % per year (incl. VAT)
Portfolio management fee for the share of assets invested into the funds managed by CBL Asset Management IPAS 0.05 % per year (incl. VAT)
Entry charge 0% - 1%1
Preparation of reports and statements at the customer’s request 50 EUR
Processing fee for the transfer of financial instruments (fee per financial instrument) 50 EUR
Portfolio management fee if the volume of the investment portfolio is less than 10,000 EUR2 120 EUR2 per year
Minimum amount of the investment portfolio under management 100 000 EUR2
Investment consultations for legal entities Upon agreement

1 depending on portfolio size and risk profile
2 or the equivalent in another currency

More detailed and wider ex ante information required by laws and regulations with regard to the portfolio management service costs and charges will be presented to the Client in a personalized way along with the investment portfolio management offer before entering into the investment portfolio management agreement or making amendments thereto.

General Rules of Investment Portfolio Management